June 1, 2024

01.30.15 BPD Press Release

On November 17, 2014, the Chief of Police initiated an investigation into the attendance and timekeeping records of Baytown Police Lieutenant Gabriel Conejo.  This was due to apparent gaps between his duty assignment and his presence at his duty station.  Conejo, who supervised the municipal jail, was placed on administrative leave with pay on January 13th.  Detectives discovered Conejo had approved and was compensated for $1,220.32 of duty time that he did not actually work between November and December of 2014.  On January 28, 2015, charges of State Jail Felony Theft by a Public Servant and State Jail Felony Tampering with a Government Document were accepted and filed through the Harris County District Attorney’s Office Public Integrity Division.  Conejo remains on administrative leave with pay pending the outcome of a concurrent administrative investigation.

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